May Hariri

May Hariri مي حريري is a sexy arab lebanese Pop Star.

Hot May Hariri is described as the most beautiful woman in Lebanon. Known for her jovial and witty spirit, she radiates a constant positive energy with her cheerful personality. Equipped with a unique vocal ability, a team of professionals, lots of support from many in the music industry and her natural charm, she has finally launched her career as an arab Pop Artist.

Sexy May Hariri has, at the moment, and after one year from launching her first album, in her account four video clips and two singles: “Habibi Enta” and “Ya Btaa’ Elgaram”. To honor the memory of the martyr president Rafik Hariri, May crowned the end of her first year as a singer, with an emotional and heart breaking performance, for the national song and video clip “La Ma Koulset Lehkayeh”. The stardom, which Hariri achieved in an unprecedented short period of time, was reflected through the vast number of all the successful festivals and tours she performed in her first year.

May Hariri Video Fallaha